Procurement management and logistics contracts
The cost of a course changes depending on the venue
- Preparation for tenders and tenders.
- How to prepare the bid requirements and specifications before tendering.
- Legal aspects to be taken into account when preparing the bid.
- Previous pre-trial proceedings on the tendering process.
- Previous restrictions on the completion of the contract SPV.
- Study seven contracting methods for the purchase of movable or contractor Owalkhaddmh.
- Take full account of practical problems and methods of resolving them before and after the completion of the process.
- How to manage purchases from abroad and legal aspects.
- Legal aspects relating to the submission and the withdrawal, modification and inspection and awarded the tender.
- International rules for tenders and tenders in accordance with the provisions of international law.
Who Should Attend?
- Logistic Managers
- Staff Logistics
- Freight and unloading sector
- Experts in the supply chain and logistics
Seminar Outline
- Tender definition.
- Types of tenders.
- Principles of General Tender.
- Procedural stages of the public tender.
- The legal nature of tender.
- Stage tender governance progress of legal proceedings.
- Controls governing the tender model.
- Legal provisions for bank guarantees associated with the tender.
- Final insurance and provisions.
- Procedural aspects of opening envelopes
- The typical method for the operation of the envelopes opening committee
- Cases purchase limited tender accidentally.
- Adoption of a purchase decision whereby the authority of the owner.
- Legal provisions governing tender Limited.
- Ask a limited tender procurement process by way of action.
- Local tender and legal concept.
- Cases contracted through local tender.
- Reliance for purchase in this way the authorities.
- Procedural aspects and the legal provisions for local tender.
- Definition of general practice.
- Buying situations in this manner.
- Subordination of the general practice of the principles of public tender.
- Fundamental differences between the public tender and public practice.
- General practice procedures.
- Limited practice buying situations.
- The difference between practice limited and limited tender.
- Limited practice procurement procedures.
- Direct purchase cases
- Legal provisions for the direct purchase agreement.
- Dependence of the direct purchase agreement of the authorities.
- Purchase by direct agreement procedure.
- Purchase by order.
- Cases of procurement by commissioning orders.
- Contest style as a buying method
- Cases contracted the competition in ways and terms
- The purchase method of external supplier or product.
- The legal provisions of the purchase from abroad.
- Documentary credits essential means external to buy.
- Definition of L / C.
- Creditors.
- Fifteen types of documentary credit.
- Letter of credit provides both sides of the safety and credit.
- Importance of documentary credit.
- Conditions of delivery in accordance with ICC rules.
- Define the obligations of the seller and buyer in accordance with the terms of delivery.
- Bank guarantees and foreign contracts
- Definition of bank guarantee letter.
- Conditions and procedures for issuing the letter of guarantee.
- Transacting parties in the letter of guarantee.
- Key Elements of the Bank Guarantee Letter
- The six types of letter of guarantee.