Write contracts and avoid legal disputes - Online Training
The cost of a course changes depending on the venue
- Identify the techniques of civil and commercial contracts.
- Study of the provisions of administrative contracts.
- Write and conclude the administrative contract.
- Identify the types of tenders.
- Discussing practical problems and legal disputes raised by contracts.
- Ways of settling legal disputes
Who Should Attend?
- Contract staff
- Managers
- Counselors
- Professionals responsible for contract execution and contractual claims
Seminar Outline
- Identify the most important types of contracts
- The difference between the contract contract and the formal and in kind
- Contracts between bargaining and compliance
- The contracts are named and unnamed
- The provisions of simple and mixed contracts
- Substantial differences between netting and donation contracts
- Specific, probabilistic and temporal contracts and terms of dealing with them
- What are the contracts that apply to the property
- What are the contracts of utility
- Forms of labor contracts
- Types of basic administrative contracts
- Contract of supply
- Contract of carriage
- Public Works Contract
- Contract commitment of utilities
- General loan contract
- Lease of services under it
- Assistance contract
- Conclusion of the administrative contract
- The authority of the administration in determining the conditions of the contract and the most important books of conditions
- Means of administration in contracting:
- Tenders and public auctions
- Limited Bidding
- Local tender
- Practice Limited
- Direct agreement
- What types of tenders ???
- Conditions of asylum for practice
- Conditions in which direct agreement may be made
- Tender preparation stage
- Technical preparation
- Administrative setup
- Financial preparation
- Legal preparation
- Tender documents and procedures for advertising them
- The awarding of the tender and the results thereof and the cancellation of the tender
- Rights and obligations of management in the administrative contract
- Rights and obligations of the contractor in the administrative contract
- Problems of compromise and means of expression of will
- Problems of contracting between absentees
- Authentic Electronic Contract
- Conditions of validity of consent and dissatisfaction
- Mistake: the conditions and the viability of the contract to the champions
- Fraud: The difference between him and the mistake
- Compulsion: the image and nullity of the contract
- Exploitation: and makes the contract viable
- Limits of freedom of contractors in consensual
- Penal requirement and the power to amend it
- Difference in place of obligation and place of contract
- The importance of searching for the reason behind the contract
- The judiciary as a primary means of resolving disputes
- Arbitration as one of the most important alternative means of dispute resolution
- Mediation and non-binding decision
- Reconcile for compromise
- Renegotiation clause
- First: The arbitration agreement and its forms
- Definition of arbitration agreement in accordance with the 1958 New York Convention
- Second: Pictures of the arbitration agreement
- Third: Conditions for the validity of the arbitration agreement
- Fourth: The arbitration agreement
- Fifth: The arbitration agreement is terminated