Planning and preparing financial budgets - Online Training
The cost of a course changes depending on the venue
- Provide participants with the concept, tools, planning methods, planning steps, and the modern quantitative methods used in forecasting
- Define the participants of the importance of budgets in planning and control and how to use and how to prepare and how to work the budget through the various elements of sub-budgets, and the difference between the fixed budget and flexible budget.
- Participating participants in the practical application skill using the computer to prepare the planning budget and how to prepare it in various economic activities and governmental activities and non-profit.
- Providing participants with modern financial, accounting and administrative tools in preparing current and capital planning budgets. And the development of the skills of participants in the use of computer in the preparation of planning budgets and using advanced statistical methods and reflected on the accuracy of estimates
Who Should Attend?
- All employees working in finance departments
- Senior accountants and financial supervisors
- Financial Managers
- Financial observers
Seminar Outline
- The role of forecasting in the preparation of plans and budgets
- Factors influencing prediction.
- Areas of prediction.
- Modern mathematical methods to predict
- The use of the Regression Analysis model in prediction
- Using trend analysis in prediction
- Application of modern methods of computer forecasting.
- Workshop and practical applications
- The importance of planning.
- Types of planning.
- Planning relationship with company strategy.
- Concept and elements of strategic planning.
- Strategic planning stages.
- Link planning and budgeting.
- The role of budget in the implementation of planning.
- The general framework of the planning budget.
- The reasons for preparing the planning budget.
- Objectives of the planning budget.
- Principles of preparing budgets.
- Stages of preparing budgets.
- Constraints and difficulties of preparing budgets.
- Budget entries.
- Various practical situations.
- Examples and practical situations.
- Data processing stages for the preparation of budget estimates.
- Determine the main factors governing the preparation of the budget.
- Data sources (internal - external)
- Characteristics of the collected data.
- The nature of the relationship between the data.
- Important tips when preparing budget estimates.
- Preparing planning budgets in industrial and commercial companies.
- Practical budgeting cases:
- Sales Balance.
- Production balance.
- Wage balance.
- Balance of commodity inputs
- The importance of its preparation and its relation to other budgets.
- Methods of preparation and components.
- Managing liquidity in the light of the cash budget and the technical and real financial difficulties
- Monetary indicators associated with the cash balance (defense period ...).
- Various practical situations.
- Definition and principles of the state budget.
- State budget estimates.
- State Budget Cycle.
- Modern methods of preparing the state budget.
- Preparing the budget of programs and performance.
- Zero Budgeting.
- Requirements for applying modern methods to prepare the government budget.
- Methods of rationalization and control of government spending.
- Practical training cases