Planning and organization - Online Training
The cost of a course changes depending on the venue
- How to build positive thinking as a basis for managerial innovation and compatibility with new global transformations and challenges of the times
- Preparation of plans, programs and performance evaluation
- Apply effective planning methods in practice and how to follow up sound remotely
- Creativity in planning and business follow-up
- Effective dynamic regulation mode
- How to find creative coordination and support QWL and its core values
- Change management and comprehensive and continuous development
Who Should Attend?
- Team leaders and supervisors
- Directors and Heads of Departments
- Executives
- Employees of the administrative sector
- Secretary and office supervisors
- Team leaders and professionals
Seminar Outline
- The new global variables (the tripartite system of managing the global economy and its implications)
- The implications of the new global transformations in the field of administrative work in the organization
- The behavioral and organizational components needed to deal with new developments
- The reality of administrative practices in Arab business establishments
- The inevitability of achieving managerial innovation Managerial Innovation
- The concept of creativity
- Creative personality characteristics
- The importance of creativity
- Obstacles to creativity and how to overcome them
- Creative strategies
- administration creativity
- TQM Total Quality Management
- Quality Circles
- Empowerment Empowerment
- Strategic Management SM
- Comparative measurement of the best BM
- Engineering Engineering Reengineering
- Balanced Scorecard B.S.C
- Six Sigma S.S.
- Applied Lab in Administrative Creativity
- Definition of Define planning
- Benefits of planning Benefits of planning
- The distinction between tactics and strategy
- Management by objectives and their components Management by objective
- Planning Steps
- Swat analysis
- Recent methods of follow-up (follow-up with exception - Follow-up to results - Invisible follow-up)
- Elements of organization Six elements of organization
- The advantages and disadvantages of personalization in work and the distinction between power and power Contrast authority and power
- Human resources in organization HR in organization
- Organization theory
- Organizational Relationships
- Characteristics of good organization
- Types of organization
- Regulatory tools (policy documents - organizational charts - organization guides - reports - records)
- Power and responsibility
- Sources and types of power
- Control of power