Creative Strategic Planning & Leadership
The cost of a course changes depending on the venue
Creative Strategic Planning & Leadership
- This
Creative Strategic Planning & Leadership training seminar is
designed to provide leaders and professionals with a set of
transformational tools and techniques to help them maximise their own and
their team’s creative potential in a strategic context. Its starting-point
is self-discovery: participants will work on the inside first and then
focus outwards to impact on the world of business.
- The
focus of the first week of this 2-week Management & Leadership
training seminar will be on thinking in different ways. Participants
should be prepared to move out of their comfort zone and experiment with
new ways of creating and communicating an inspiring leadership vision.
- The
second week helps demystify the frequently-misunderstood concept
of ‘strategy’. Whilst focusing on the analytical disciplines on which
successful strategy is based, it centres on strategic planning as a
value-adding process which harnesses the leader’s and the team’s ability
to combine analysis with creative thinking and enables ideas and plans to
be nurtured through to reality.
The highlights of the 10-day training course
are as follows:
- Demonstrating
how to balance analytical and creative thinking in plans and decisions
- Understanding
how to discover and focus the creative capabilities of teams and
- Understanding
the linkage between operational and strategic management
- Aligning
your own responsibilities and objectives with the strategy of your
- Improving
personal leadership and management competencies
By the end of this training seminar, you will
be able to:
- Demonstrate
innovative methods for harnessing others’ creative potential
- Communicate
your vision in refreshing and engaging ways
- Define
the concepts of ‘strategy’ and ‘strategic plans’
- Understand
and explain visionary thinking as part of the strategic process and apply
strategic planning to your own management issues
- Place
your own part of the organisation within the overall context of corporate
- Gain
confidence in managing your own contribution to strategic
- This
Creative Strategic Planning & Leadership training seminar uses a range
of approaches to learning, including experiential group activities,
individual visioning exercises, case studies and syndicate discussions, to
allow you to see and feel for yourself the power of the creative mind in a
strategic context. Formal inputs are used to introduce a limited amount of
underpinning theory. A key part of the learning process is sharing the
differing experiences participants bring, as well as experimenting with
novel – and sometimes challenging – techniques. In the second module, the
course leader will use case examples based on organisations with which he
has been personally involved. There will be additional presentations on
DVD from world-leading authorities in the fields of strategy formulation
and strategic management. There will also be group work on a major case
- Leaders
at all levels who can develop and communicate a shared vision
- Leaders
who can engage and motivate their teams
- Increased
effectiveness against personal KPI’s through more effective use of team
- Much
better decision-taking and time / resource allocation - leading to better
organizational and individual performance
- Introduction
of strategic thinking into new levels of the organization
- Top
management having more confidence in the ability and judgement of its
operating managers and the staff will have a better appreciation of the
need and content of organisational change
- Increasing
career flexibility (vertically and horizontally)
- Accelerated
thinking speed and problem resolution for difficult dilemmas
- Improved
understanding of the impact of operational specialisation on corporate
- Improved
team working capabilities in analysing and solving strategic problems
- Improved
skills in ensuring most effective impact of individual specialisations
- Greater
motivation through multiple organisational levels
- Senior
Management Professionals, Team Leaders, Supervisors and All Professionals
who are responsible for driving company growth by creating or eliciting
new ideas and paradigms. Alternatively, you may be stuck with your own
‘logical’ career journey and seeking an opportunity to explore beyond its
- Anyone
who wants to forge innovative approaches to communications, or to human
resource and training managers searching for breakthrough ideas and tools
they can use to harness the creativity in others within their organization
Course Outline
MODULE I: Leading Creatively
Creative Problem-Solving
- Leadership
Reality Assessment
- Leadership
vs. Management
- Understanding
Our Brain Function
- Myths
of Creativity
- The
Limitations of The Rational
- Divergent
Approaches to Problem-solving
- Letting
Go of Logic
- Analogous
Thinking Modes
- Convergent
and Divergent Modes
Overcoming Personal Blockers to Creativity
- Sigmoid
Curve - Lifecycle Model
- Continuous
- Breakthrough
Step Change
- Self-awareness
and The Nature of The Ego
- Personal
Goal Alignment
- Adaption
and Innovation: Personal Preferences For Creating Meaning
- Exploring
Attitudes to Risk
- Left-
and Right-brain Thinking
Developing The Vision Creatively
- Six
Thinking Hats
- Using
Differing Thinking Styles
- JoHari’s
- The
Business Plan Process & Creating A Vision
- Harnessing
The Power of The Team
- Organisational
Culture and Its Influence on Innovation
- Letting
Go of The Ego
- Working
with Different Creative Preferences
Communicating The Vision Creatively
- The 7
Step Creative Process
- Models
of Communication
- Viral
- Authenticity
and Trust
- Creativity
Tools, Techniques & Strategy
- Letting
Go of The Vision
- Leading
Without Directing
- Possible
Leadership Beliefs
From Ideas to Action: Creativity and Change
- Motivation
- Hierarchy of Needs
- Overcoming
Organisational Barriers to Creativity and Change
- Nurturing
a Learning Environment
- Is
Money A Motivator?
- Personality
- Building
a Creative Consensus
- Engaging
Stakeholders Creatively
- Influencing
and Motivating through Change
MODULE II: Strategy & Strategic Planning
Strategic Thinking and External Analysis
- Definitions
of Strategy and Strategic Planning
- Why
are strategy and strategic planning important?
- Understanding
The Main Frameworks For Strategic Analysis
- Private
and Public Sector Strategies – similarities and differences
- External
Analysis - Understanding and Analysing Business Attractiveness
- Analysing
Customers and Benchmarking Your Own Strategic Position
- How
attractive is the game that we have chosen to play?
Internal Analysis and Fusion into Strategic
- The
Interface and Balance of External and Internal Analysis
- Internal
Analysis: Financial
- Internal
Analysis: Non-financial
- The
Concept and Practicalities of the “Balanced Scorecard”
- Diagnosing
and Analysing Strategic Problems and Opportunities
- Fusion
of Analysis into Strategic Choices - SWOT and The Strategy Matrix
Strategic Plans and The Relevance of Alliances
and Joint Ventures
- Review
of The Tools Used So Far
- The
Content of a Strategy: Avoiding “Paralysis by Analysis”
- Putting
a Strategic Plan Together – The 5-Page Framework
- A
Real-life Example of a Business Strategy / Strategic Plan
- Strategies
for Alliances and Joint Ventures
- Management
of Alliances and Joint Ventures
- Examples
of Best Practice in Alliances and Joint Ventures
Global Strategy, Team Building and The
Management of Internal Communication
- The
Essence of Globalisation and Global Strategy
- Globalisation
– The Strategic Dimension
- Globalisation
– The Organisational Dimension
- Globalisation
– The Human Dimension
- How
to Build and Manage a Strategic Planning Team
- Communicating
Strategy through The Organisation
- Gaining
Your Team’s Commitment and Buy-in to The Strategy
Strategic Implementation and Getting The Value
Out of Strategy
- Alignment
of Strategy, Culture, Structure and People
- Effective
Execution - Converting Strategic Analysis and Planning into Action
- Aligning
and Linking Strategy with Operational Objectives
- Implementation
– Getting Practical Things Done
- Creating
Tomorrow’s Organisation Out of Today’s Organisation
- Strategic
Planning at A Personal Level
- Overview:
The Complete Strategy Process
- Summary
and Conclusions - The Corporate and Individual Value of Strategic