International Relations and Protocol Art - Online Training
The cost of a course changes depending on the venue
- Identify the importance and importance of public relations in light of the new international challenges
- A detailed presentation of the external sources in general, which can be used to carry out international public relations work
- How to deal with global crises and disasters
- Practice protocol, protocol and etiquette rules locally and internationally
- Making use of the information capabilities of international business services
Who Should Attend?
- Customer service staff
- Customer Service Managers
- All of them are related to customer service
- Directors and Heads of Departments
Seminar Outline
- The overall picture and general impression
- Reflective image
- The current image is required
- Multiple and common image
- Knowledge and understanding
- Raise interest and accept the situation
- Sympathy
- Ethical aspects
- Moral Behavior in the Oxford English Dictionary
- Charter of Practice and Institute of Public Relations (IPR)
- Law and settlement of reputation
- Contracts and Commercial Fraud
- Copyright law or authorship
- The effectiveness of the law and continuity
- Ownership and transfer of copyrights
- Literary rights and licensing of work copies
- The right to deal with the employer and provide thanks
- Evaluate the situation
- determining the goal
- Select audience
- Choice of means
- Program Evaluation
- Budgets
- What is Crisis Management?
- How to adapt to the crisis?
- Evaluation with maximum objectivity
- Planning and preparation
- Training and modification of the plan
- The end of the crisis and the PR team
- The nature of human beings and their human needs
- Reception skills and etiquette
- VIP styles
- Skills of preparing and drafting invitations and preparing for meetings and seminars
- VIP visits
- A practical laboratory in the management of international public relations