Study and treatment of legal violations
The cost of a course changes depending on the venue
- Developing the skills of submitting a study and dealing with legal violations.
- Studying and auditing the basic skills of the distinguished legal advisor.
- How to do a professional legal inquiry.
- Extensive study of the position of legal advisor in the administrative, governmental and corporate bodies.
- Providing the legal operators with the skill of preparing legal opinions of all kinds.
- Studying the techniques and concepts of negotiation in both domestic and international contracts.
- Studying the stages, tactics and strategies of negotiation.
- Specification of the study and treatment of targeted legal violations.
- Developing practical skills in the preparation and writing of investigations and administrative decisions.
- Identify the general rules for the study and treatment of legal irregularities professionally.
- How to evaluate and review the legal study.
- Practice practical applications of how to prepare a legal opinion note.
- Provide the participants with the skills to issue a memorandum of opinion and legal advice in a distinct manner by practical training
Who Should Attend?
- Contract staff
- Managers
- Counselors
- Professionals responsible for contract execution and contractual claims
Seminar Outline
- How to acquire listening skills
- Skills of approaching the listener regardless of his / her educational level or work environment.
- The art of speaking fluently and anticipating responses and preparing each question with an answer.
- Techniques for asking questions and avoiding negative questions
- How To Gain Self Confidence To Deal With A Student Study
- Professional legal counsel in view of legal consequences and risks
- Finding gaps in the legal wall (traffic or security)
- Some believe that they have reached a stage of science and experience that enables them to dispense with the legal adviser and deal with it.
- The role of the legal advisor to remove legal accountability from the facility, its employees and employees.
- The Legal Counsel shall not consider the advice of the owner to be taken by him or not
- Liability of the Legal Counsel
- Successful legal counsel and out of the scope of theory into practice
- Practical knowledge of the field in which the Legal Counsel operates
- Formulation of required amendments in legal form.
- How to prove the crime through administrative investigation
- Preview is one of the means of proof
- Proof of the crime through documents and other papers relating to the disciplinary offense
- Proof of crime through evidence and evidence
- How to collect inferences
- Administrative inspection controls
- Technical aspects of disciplinary investigation
- How to open the investigation minutes and details of editing
- The means of declaring the violator of the offense attributed to him and the date of his investigation
- The right of the investigator to address the investigation of disciplinary offenses discovered during the investigation
- The powers of the Investigator if, during the investigation, he finds that the offense constitutes a criminal offense such as embezzlement or forgery
- Legal and technical controls to submit a final opinion in the disciplinary decision
- Disciplinary punishment
- The skills of studying physical evidence and evidence in the disciplinary investigation
- Use of evidence and evidence to prove disciplinary investigation
- Various reasons to stop the investigation