Effective office management, archiving and e-organization using MS outlook - Online Training
The cost of a course changes depending on the venue
- Define the participants in the general framework of budgets in terms of their concept, importance, economic, social, financial and supervisory dimensions and how to prepare them.
- The participants were given the skill of preparing budgets by identifying the basis of estimating the budget elements of revenues and expenses and the general rules governing the preparation and estimation, as well as acquiring the skill of budget classification in light of several bases for classification.
- Participating participants in the preparation of government budgets in the light of modern methods used in developed countries.
- Provide the participants with the skills of budget analysis using several methods and models for analysis in order to achieve control and performance evaluation.
- Provide participants with the skill of analyzing and evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of government budgets and how to achieve the goal of rationalizing public expenditure and achieving efficiency and effectiveness of performance while reducing the budget deficit.
Who Should Attend?
- Team leaders and supervisors
- Directors and Heads of Departments
- Executives
- Employees of the administrative sector
- Secretary and office supervisors
- Team leaders and professionals
Seminar Outline
- Importance of office communications.
- Characteristics of conservation personnel.
- Dealing with office communications.
- The origin and cycle of documents.
- Systems of supervision of archives.
- Classification, coding and indexing.
- Use of the computer in archiving.
- Save and retrieve correspondence and documents.
- Sorting, deporting and damaging archives.
- Modern techniques and devices in the field of trading, preservation and retrieval
- Budget of the administrative apparatus of the state.
- Budget of public bodies.
- Budget of economic bodies
- Divisions of government budgets.
- Current budget.
- Investment budget.
- Various practical situations on species
- Government budgets.
- The role of administrative assistant in the establishment and the features of the administrative assistant
- Communication skills in secretarial offices
- Prepare the agenda, minutes of the meeting and organize travel
- Organization of office work: appointments, time, order of work according to priorities
- Dealing with others, and working pressure in secretarial offices
- Simplify office working procedures, and effectively use the phone.
- Electronic Secretarial.
- Use modern hardware, software, and office tools.
- Office administrative process.
- Tasks, responsibilities and features of the office manager, administrative assistant and executive secretary.
- communication skills .
- Time management and priority setting.
- Organizing meetings and organizing travel.
- Dealing with phone calls, and with visitors.
- Physical environment in the modern office.
- Correspondence, reports and internal notes.
- Office equipment and technologies.
- Work manuals and office procedures.
- Recent trends in secretarial.
- The importance of modern techniques in secretarial work.
- Preparation of correspondence and reports on the computer.
- View information on the computer.
- Organize people's information electronically.
- Organize meetings electronically.
- Organize archives and documents electronically.
- Electronic organization of appointments and tasks in secretarial offices.
- Electronic communications (Internet, intranet, e-mail).
, office
, management
, archiving
, and
, eorganization
, using
, MS
, outlook
, Online
, Training