Budget regulation and error detection - Online Training
The cost of a course changes depending on the venue
- Define the participants in the general framework of budgets in terms of their concept, importance, economic, social, financial and supervisory dimensions and how to prepare them.
- The participants were given the skill of preparing budgets by identifying the basis of estimating the budget elements of revenues and expenses and the general rules governing the preparation and estimation, as well as acquiring the skill of budget classification in light of several bases for classification.
- Participating participants in the preparation of government budgets in the light of modern methods used in developed countries.
- Provide the participants with the skills of budget analysis using several methods and models for analysis in order to achieve control and performance evaluation.
- Provide participants with the skill of analyzing and evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of government budgets and how to achieve the goal of rationalizing public expenditure and achieving efficiency and effectiveness of performance while reducing the budget deficit.
Who Should Attend?
- All employees working in finance departments
- Senior accountants and financial supervisors
- Financial Managers
- Financial observers
Seminar Outline
- The concept and importance of budgets.
- Rules and procedures for preparing budgets.
- General principles for the preparation and use of budgets.
- Budget preparation steps.
- Foundations of the classification of budget elements.
- Modern trends in budgeting.
- Program Budget and Performance.
- Budget planning and programming.
- Zero Baseline Budget.
- Budget of the administrative apparatus of the state.
- Budget of public bodies.
- Budget of economic bodies
- Divisions of government budgets.
- Current budget.
- Investment budget.
- Various practical situations on species
- The concept and nature of the examination.
- Comparison of examination and scrutiny.
- Examination purposes.
- Who checks the budgets and final accounts.
- Types of checks.
- Steps to check budgets and final accounts.
- The most important elements of the analysis involved in the examination of balances and final accounts.
- Various practical situations.
- Analytical examination of government budgets.
- The nature of the procedures for the analytical examination of government budgets.
- Objectives and timing of analytical testing procedures.
- Planning for analytical testing procedures.
- Extent of reliance on analytical examination procedures for government budgets.
- Financial analysis of government budgets.
- The concept of financial analysis and its importance.
- Uses of financial analysis.
- Methods of financial analysis of government budgets.
- Various practical situations.
- Recent trends in animal analysis (workshop)
- Analysis of the effectiveness of programs.
- Software Efficiency Analysis.
- Economic analysis
- Analysis of justice
- Various practical situations.
- Evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of government budgets:
- The concept of efficiency and effectiveness of government budgets.
- Types of efficiency and effectiveness.
- Requirements for evaluating efficiency and effectiveness.
- Steps to assess efficiency and effectiveness.
- Efficiency and effectiveness indicators.
- Various practical situations.