Advanced catalytic performance - Online Training
The cost of a course changes depending on the venue
- It aims to develop the weight of participants' skills and practical concepts related to human nature and human behavior in order to build successful work teams and to build an integrated model for empowering and creating individuals, based on effective motivation and training, providing an adequate administrative environment for extraordinary achievement and providing them with the knowledge necessary to plan and develop motivation policies and dimensions Of incentive systems and portfolio management and their role in strengthening linkages and attitudes towards action.
- An integrated framework for human resources activities and a practical approach to skills development for all managers in human resources management.
Who Should Attend?
- HR staff
- Human Resources Managers
- Team leaders and supervisors
- Directors and Heads of Departments
- Executives
- Secretary and office supervisors
Seminar Outline
- General description of the modern administrative environment under the new millennium
- Management is human resources management (good manager is a good personnel manager)
- Motivation and characters' keys and their impact on work.
- Negative emotions and methods are converted into positive feelings within the working environment.
- Motivation and how to motivate and guide employees.
- The importance of the process of motivation in the overall performance of the organization and self-development of individuals
- Interviewing applicants.
- Training and development of employees
- Department of Organizational Development
- Lack of motivation and its negative effects on work and performance.
- Motivation and attitudes of workers and effective motivational methods
- Building successful teams based on empowerment and motivation
- How team members work effectively.
- How to be a catalyst for your subordinates in the work, role and impact of motivation in the development of work.
- Motivation and its role in strengthening links and attitudes towards work.
- Motivation to satisfy human needs.
- Motivation as an input to inculcate and develop loyalty and belonging in the employees towards the institution.
- Climate incentive and its impact on performance.
- ntellectual and scientific approaches in the field of motivating subordinates.
- Different types of incentives.
- Management of hoof systems (main dimensions of hoof systems - promotion of performance incentive - assessment of incentive policies).
- Effective motivation skills.
- Elements and motivational tools.
- The concept of incentives (motivation)
- Types of incentives (moral incentives - material incentives) used by the leader
- Evaluation and conclusion of the program.