Advanced Financial Accounting
The cost of a course changes depending on the venue
- The training course aims to provide a range of knowledge to participants on the development of financial information systems in light of the increasing financial risks of business organizations.
- Provide the participants with a set of knowledge about the new IFRS and identify the changes that have been applied to the international and Arab business environments.
- To highlight how to use and benefit from financial reports by reading them critically, and in order to judge the strength and strength of the financial centers of the organizations and thus contribute to the consolidation of many administrative decisions.
- Provide participants with modern tools for forecasting future financial performance, reporting on financial failures or successes of organizations, and reviewing the entrances to financial restructuring.
- Provide participants with all the professional problems that accompanied the application of some accounting treatments for some accounting standards.
- The course aims to provide a range of modern financial tools for participants on the use of planning budgets in financial risk management.
- Provide participants with skills in dealing with real problems of practice and practical application in financial risk management.
Who Should Attend?
- Team leaders and supervisors
- Directors and Heads of Departments
- Executives
- Employees of the administrative sector
- Secretary and office supervisors
- Team leaders and professionals
Seminar Outline
- Canceling IAS in 2011
- The development of accounting information systems in accordance with the economic relationship of international standards
- Joint venture for the development of accounting theory IASB & FASB 2005 - 2011
- IFRS 2010 Financial Reporting Standards
- IFRS Foundation
- Statement of Financial Position
- Comprehensive Income Statement
- Cash Flows Statement View cash flow statement
- Supplementary Explanations
- vertical analysis & Horizontal Analysis and Vertical Analysis of Financial Data
- Financial indicators
- Benchmarking reference ratios
- Strategic analysis of the statement of financial position
- Strategic analysis of the statement of comprehensive income
- Strategic analysis of the cash flow statement